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Shadowbane POLSKA - Portal I_icon_minitimeCzw Sie 25, 2011 2:37 pm by Methis
Jak tam u was nadzieja ,ze jeszcze kiedys pogramy w sb takiego ,jakim go zapamietalismy ? u mnie juz dawno umarla ,widze ze na stronce coraz mniej postow sie pojawia i coraz rzadziej ktos wchodzi ,ciekawe jestem czy ktores z was jeszcze wierzy ? Very Happy

Comments: 26
State Of Bane VIII
Shadowbane POLSKA - Portal I_icon_minitimeCzw Cze 28, 2012 12:08 pm by Xergoos
Tybalt leaving the project and new Test Team Lead

Tybalt was asked to leave the project due to
a recent drama-filled discussion in the admin forums. He made it
obvious that he just wouldn't be able to work with us anymore. Due to
his hard work in the project, I offered to let Tybalt resign, which was
something he had suggested doing previously due to real life issues. I
thought it mutually beneficial that we wouldn't drag each other through
the mud, but he didn't reply to the thread for 3 days, and only sent me a
brief message over instant messenger and logged off before I could
respond. Because Tybalt decided to not do an amicable resignation and
has instead tried to tarnish the project and the team, I'm having to
list the reasons that I decided to remove him so that everyone knows.
Some of this had already become public knowledge, such as the sharing of
his admin game account and the accusations of inappropriate offering of
Closed Beta invites. Because I valued Tybalt's work and dedication to
the project, I held off the other admins, team members and a chunk of
the community for 8 months, but I don't see how he and the other admins
can work together anymore. While we probably will not get much benefit
out of dragging this issue further, I feel presenting it to the
community will help alleviate any worries about the project being run in
an unethical fashion or without direction. Here is a list of the main
reasons why Tybalt was asked to resign:

1. Giving out access to
his admin game account to his friends / community members before we
started the Closed Beta, and trying to cover up and lie about the extent
of his sharing. This caused a community outcry that he had to apologize

2. Gave out warnings on the forum and lied about having authorization from Conspiracy Theorist.

Attempting to have the moderators delete threads and posts that didn't
break the FCoC with the assumption that this was being authorized by him
as the Community Manager.

4. Undermined Silk by excessively
complaining in the community vent server about wanting to have more of a
say on who got into the CB, and that Silk was doing a bad job.

5. Circumvented the moderator team process and unbanned members of the community.

Used an excessive amount of dev commands, such as creating custom items
for himself and others on the Closed Beta server, and attempted to lie /
cover up the extent of their usage.

7. Attempted to cover up his usage of his admin character with an admin rune during the recent stress test.

8. Bragged about being able to get anyone into the CB that he wants, if he does it the right way.

Sending messages to new developers and other members of the staff
stating that the project was without direction, basically starting a
smear campaign against myself and the rest of the Administrators.

wouldn't have had any problem with giving Tybalt or anyone else more
responsibility and to delegate some of the work load off of myself and
others, but they need to be trustworthy and have good judgement. He was
already an admin so there was not much more "power" he could have, and
he had the ability to contribute in the same way that Starfish is doing
with his Design Kick-start tasks. Tybalt may not have made all of these
mistakes maliciously, but some obviously were. It made it impossible for
me to give him responsibility for anything crucial in the project.

main reason I decided this needed to be posted is that Tybalt sent me a
message saying that he didn't think he should be removed for reasons
that weren't true, then logging off before I could respond, and then
posting on the boards about this issue. That made no sense to me, him
wanting to still be involved in the project while at the same time
talking to other team/community members about leaving because he doesn't
think the project will finish. I do not doubt that he has already
explained to many of you his version …

[ Full reading ]
Comments: 0
Week Update 12/2011
Shadowbane POLSKA - Portal I_icon_minitimePon Gru 12, 2011 4:07 pm by Xergoos
12/11/2011 Weekly Announcement

Developer Updates
Developer RichV has added the Aerynth and Dalgoth maps to the server!
Additionally, he has done work cleaning up the debug code as well as
applying various bug fixes to the current Vorringia map set. Papah has
been burned out this week due to the massive amounts of time he put in
the previous week working on the source code. He will be immediately
starting again tonight.

As for the recent posts asking about what
original content will be in the Shadowbane Emulator, the Developers
leave you with this. If it was intended to be fixed and was
broken/bugged/wrong in the former live version of Shadowbane, it will be
fixed in the emulator. Additionally if it was in the live version, and
was intended to be there, then it will not be changed unless voted on by
the SBEmu Team.

Design Team Updates
Design Team has been restoring King's Cross to it's former glory!
Furthermore, Xemise has placed about 85% of Bastion and it looks
amazing. See below. The entire team has made progress on the experience
curve and expect to have it finished by the end of the week. Adron has
made amazing progress in regards to training costs on powers while
spending hours creating excel data files.

Shadowbane POLSKA - Portal Screenshot1211201117215

Shadowbane POLSKA - Portal Screenshot1211201117255

Test Team Updates
We are proud to announce 4 new
members to the Test Team! Please welcome Melubb, Colest, Siren and
Shaman as the four new Junior Testers! Since their arrival, more and
more testing has been done in regards to small PvP and group dynamics.
Additionally, our Tester Moco has been promoted to Senior Tester due to
his excellent and progressive contribution to the Test Team thus far.

Closed Beta Announcement
We are still accepting applications for Closed Beta and the Test Team! To apply see the Recruitment forums here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2537

and post your application here: viewforum.php?f=138

will be sending the first round of Closed Beta invites out January 1st
of 2012, for a January 15th 2012 release of Closed Beta

Community Manager Update
review our Forum Code of Conduct (FCoC) as it has been updated
recently. If you have any discrepancies or questions about the FCoC
feel free to pm anyone of our Moderators or myself and we will be happy
to assist you. Additionally I would like to remind everyone that
personal attacks and threats directed toward anyone on the forums will
not be tolerated. I understand this is a vicious PvP game, but we ask
the community to please keep in mind when posting on the forums, to hold
yourself with a certain basic level of respect.

Discussion Thread:

Budynki i ich funkcje które były oryginalnie w SB a nie działały bądz były zbugowane , będą działać w wersji emulatora.

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